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Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion
Aiming to be a leading company that advocates D&I, we actively hire women and non-Japanese employees. We strive to create an internal environment where diverse human resources can respect each other and work with enthusiasm. We have established an environment and system in which diverse human resources can thrive regardless of races, nationalities, religions, genders, ages, disabilities, LGBT, work styles, and values.
Promotion of Female Empowerment
To create a work environment where women can work comfortably and feel empowered, we examine the conditions of the sites where female engineers are assigned, based on a checklist that includes the installation status of changing rooms, break rooms, toilets, safety supplies, etc. We also carry out harassment training for onsite workers and subcontracting companies.
Senior female staff members regularly conduct interviews with young female staff members to understand their current situation and provide consultation on matters such as career and balancing work with life events.
In addition, we conduct training for young women in career-track position, to share career experiences and role models and to provide information on company systems and balancing childcare and work.
Empowerment of Non-Japanese Employees
In April 2020, we established a new system, "Global Career-track Position," and created a personnel system, which allows non-Japanese employees to play more active roles.
Every year we hire around 5 foreign students (from universities and graduate schools in Japan and ASEAN). After their joining, we develop human resources who can play an active role in our company globally, by providing Japanese language education and training for non-Japanese employees in a hope that these students will become engineers that are able to solve on-site problems and will be able to utilize their language skills not only in Japan but also overseas, and take on managerial positions in the future.
Global Personnel System
In FY 3/18, we adopted a personnel evaluation system for non-Japanese workers in Singapore and Hong Kong, which are the major footholds of our International Business Unit. In July 2018, we introduced a grading and remuneration system.
The objective of the personnel evaluation system is to motivate employees to attain their goals, promote personnel development, and facilitate communication between superiors and subordinates. The grading and remuneration system boosts the incentive to perform well and achieve goals by reflecting performance and evaluation in the International Business Unit in remuneration, and enhances non-Japanese workers engagement in efforts to achieve their individual targets.
Employment of Physically Disabled Persons
The employment rate of persons with disabilities among all employees is 2.76% as of June 1, 2022. Following the spirit of the Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities, we are making efforts to expand the employment of persons with disabilities using our satellite offices. We have set up workrooms in Mitaka and Yokohama to create an environment where persons with disabilities can work comfortably.
Empowerment of Senior Employees
Based on the revised Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, we offer new jobs and new working conditions to all career-track and administrative employees who wish to continue working after reaching the retirement age.
We also create opportunities for active participation of senior employees, for example, by utilizing senior employees with abundant knowledge and experience as instructors to train young employees at the Safety and Quality Education Center.
Indicators and Targets
As specific numerical targets for D&I, we aim to achieve the hiring ratio of career-track female new graduates of 25% or more compared to FY3/24 (new graduate hires in 2024) and aim to increase the ratio of female management-level employees to 15% or more by 2035.
Please see the ESG data sheet for indicators and actual values related to D&I.
Number of Female Employees
As of March 31, 2023, out of a total of 3,222 employees, 392 are female, including 164 female career-track employees. In April 2023, 188 new graduates joined the company, of which 42 were female, including 38 female career-track employees.
From FY 3/24, we raised the target of hiring ratio of female career-track employees from 20% to 25%.
Number of Female Managers
We aimed to increase the ratio of female management-level employees to 5% or more (doubling the number of women in management positions in Japan) by FY 3/23. As a result, the ratio of female management-level employees at the end of FY 3/23 was 4.6%.
We aim to increase the ratio of female management-level employees to 15% or more by around 2035.
Ratio of employees with disabilities
The employment rate of persons with disabilities among all employees is 2.76% as of June 1, 2023.