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Prevention of environmental pollution


As part of our environmental preservation efforts, we are promoting activities to prevent global warming, to reduce environmental impact in our offices and to properly manage chemical substances.

Treatment of Hazardous or Chemical Substances

In recent years, various environmental issues have been identified due to increasing hazardous substances. These include soil contamination issues caused by heavy metals and chemical substances, and environmental pollutant such as dioxins produced at incineration facilities. We are actively working to implement countermeasures and develop technologies to tackle these issues.

Soil Contamination

Since the enactment of Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act in 2003, through two revisions in 2010 and 2017, the government expanded investigative initiatives, tightened regulations, and introduced new systems to manage contamination in waterfront areas and natural and reclaimed land. In light of the tightening regulations, we established a team that specializes in surveys and countermeasure implementations, and we are working on further development green technologies while ensuring compliance with related laws and regulations.

Dioxin, etc.

We started focusing on the toxicity of dioxins early on and have been working on the development of dioxin remediation technologies. In 2000, we became the first company in Japan to dismantle an incineration facility with dioxin exposure prevention measures, and since then, we have dismantled approximately 80 incineration facilities. Since then, we have dismantled about 80 incineration facilities and properly managed and disposed of the waste and contaminated soil generated in the course of the dismantling.

  • In-situ improvement of VOC-contaminated soilIn-situ improvement of VOC-contaminated soil
  • Status of measures for dioxin-contaminated soilStatus of measures for dioxin-contaminated soil