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Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd.
Takuzo Shimizu, President, CEO and Representative Director
Development of application software for preparing reports for mountain tunnel construction with a tablet terminal
Tokyo, Japan – Mar. 29, 2021 – Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. has developed two application software for mountain tunnel construction personnel to allow more efficient reporting.
In the mountain tunnel construction, it took a long time to prepare reports for tunnel-face observation and inspection records, because it was necessary to transfer and print the photographs taken by the camera and the sketches recorded in the field book after returning to the office.
To help solve the problem, we have developed an application software that allows for easy reporting of "Tunnel-face observation records" to be submitted to the client and "Tunnel-face inspection records" required by the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health, using a tablet terminal (iPad). This application software allows for effective and completely paperless operations from the preparation to report verification and authentication, as well as the sharing of generated reports with related personnel on any online storage platform. The simultaneous preparation of report on-site while conducting tunnel-face observation or inspection significantly reduces the amount of work in the construction office.
This application software has been introduced and are being tested for the Minokoshi Tunnel construction project awarded by the Shikoku Regional Development Bureau of the MLIT, and the Maki Tunnel construction project on the Trans-Chugoku Expressway awarded by West Nippon Expressway Co. In the future, we will strengthen the linkage function with our construction information sharing system “i-PentaCOL/3D”, which we developed separately in 2020, to enable remote real-time report checking by the clients and branch offices, as well as labor savings in document management.
●An overview of the application software used in report preparation