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Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd.
Takuzo Shimizu, President, CEO and Representative Director
Energy Saving Renovation of Laboratory Building of Institute of Technology
Aiming to enhance ZEB proposals and further promote technological development
Tokyo, Japan – Mar. 19, 2020 –Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. has recently completed the energy-saving renovation of the laboratory building of the Institute of Technology in Nasu-Shiobara city. The building has been officially opened for public use.
With the global movement toward decarbonization to prevent global warming in the background, the interest of our clients in energy-saving technologies are increasing. Therefore, Penta-Ocean Construction has been actively involved in the research and development of Zero Energy Building (ZEB) technologies. In February 2019, we acquired the highest rating of 5 stars and ZEB certification under Building Energy-Efficiency Labelling System (BELS) for the Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Museum construction project.
For the current energy-saving renovation, we have taken yet another step forward to pursue demonstration research of ZEB technologies by adopting various green technologies including the most advanced ones. We had targeted 72 % energy-saving ratio (excluding creating energy) by arranging and fusing them separately or in combination across the building.
The Laboratory Building after renovation will be open to public so that the users can gain hands-on experience on our ZEB initiatives. We intend to examine the effects of the newly adopted ZEB and energy saving technologies, in order to further promote research and development in ZEB and energy conservation technologies and provide design solutions and technical proposals to our clients.
Furthermore, we registered as a ZEB Planner* in January 2020. We will strive to respond to the diverse needs of our clients, who aim to construct energy-saving buildings and realize ZEB solutions.
*ZEB Planner: Official registration system of corporations, who utilize technologies and knowledge of designing ZEBs and energy-saving buildings or related expertise in order to provide consultation, offer support and widely announce its activities with regards to ZEB realization.
Certified by Sustainable Open Innovative Initiatives, a general incorporated association, we received an official registration in January 2020.
Overview of energy-saving renovation
In this particular project, we have adopted approximately thirty technologies under below five concepts across the entire building.
Solar thermal panels, direct current power supply system Experimental laboratory room
(During air-conditioning test)